Last updated: August 17th 2020 10:30

Guidelines for Infection protection when visiting the campus

The guidelines on infection protection at Kristiania University College and Kristiania Professional College are designed help ensure safe operations during the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. The guidelines are valid from their date of publication on 20.04.2020, and they will be updated as and when required.

Download PDF for more information: 

When should you not meet on campus?

When assessing whether you can come on campus or wondering if you may be infected with Covid-19, the following applies:

If you have symptoms of respiratory illness, you need to stay home. Respiratory diseases can include cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, fever, cough or wheezing.
If you have any of these symptoms, you should be tested for Covid-19.

On campus, there are many people and at times challenging to keep at least one meter distance. Therefore, many people may be quarantined if a student or employee is diagnosed with Covid-19.

We recommend that you be extra careful and stay away from campus if you:

  • Have been in situations (such as parties with many participants, etc.) that make you have an increased risk of infection.
  • Been in close contact with someone who is waiting to complete a Korona test or waiting for a test result. Do not meet on campus until the person has received a negative test result.
  • Been in close contact with someone who has received a positive test result. In that case, you must be tested and wait to arrive on campus until you have received a negative test result.
  • Have proven or probable Covid-19, in which case you should be in isolation and keep a distance from those you live with. Those you live with should be tested.
  • Is in close contact with someone with a proven infection or if you have been traveling in red countries, then you will be quarantined for 10 days.

If you get symptoms 

In case of symptoms, contact the health service immediately for testing and stay at home until the answer to the test is available.

We ask that you register in the form below if you are infected or in quarantine and inform your immediate manager. This information is only handled by the HR department and possibly the immediate manager.

If you already filled out the form, we ask you to send an update to: 

Work from home 

Employees and students who are in risk groups shall be working from home. Remember to notify your superior or head of institute about your situation. 

The main rule is still that you have a home office if possible, but this must be clarified with the immediate manager, as some functions are important to have locally on campus. If you are going to work on campus, we recommend that you avoid rush hour on public transport and adapt your working hours based on when there is less pressure on public transport. Employees who have the opportunity to cycle or walk to work are encouraged to do so. 

Guidelines for work at home/on campus:

  1. The main rule is home office. Physical meeting activity should be avoided as far as possible, possibly with fewer than five people at the meetings and at least 1 meter away. Meetings will primarily be conducted as telephone and video meetings.
  2. Priority access to the workplace is given to employees who need access to the workplace to manage business-critical functions. Examples of this are operational tasks related to the premises (washing, security), teaching activities on campus, administrative support for teaching, work related to infrastructure that is only available on campus such as recording and recording equipment. Access is then granted to the following employees in order of priority: PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and other persons who, due to the home situation, need access to the workplace.
  3. Maximum one person per double office, or a minimum of 1 meter distance in larger offices and in open countryside.
  4. Limited number of people in the premises at the same time with a minimum distance of 1 meter.
  5. The presence in the workplace must be organized in such a way that the teaching activity is as little affected as possible if we get into an infection situation. This means that the presence must be organized in fixed groups that alternate in the presence.

Quarantine and stays abroad

We remind you of the individual's responsibility to minimize the spread of Covid-19. Follow the current quarantine rules for stays abroad. If you have been to a country that is, or has become, red, you will be quarantined for 10 days. You can read more about which countries this applies to FHI's website.

Anyone who has been in a situation with an increased risk of infection (larger crowds, travel in green areas, etc.) must also take precautions:

  • Avoid unnecessary travel abroad.
  • Be alert for symptoms.
  • We recommend a home office for the following 10 days after a stay in a situation with an increased risk of infection or if you have been traveling in green areas.
  • Always clarify with the nearest manager if in doubt.
  • To reduce the risk of coronavirus; keep at least 1 meter away from other persons and limit close contact.

Here are the measures we have taken to reduce the risk of infection on campus:

  • All employees and students must keep at least one meter away from others.
  • The canteen opens on Monday 17 August and only finished portioned food will be available.
  • Increases the cleaning frequency of the toilets and continuously considers further measures.
  • Puts out cleaning equipment on the premises.
  • The college has a plan to deal with outbreaks.

Students who may have been exposed to the virus

If employees are contacted by students who believe they may have been exposed to Covid-19, tell the student to contact the health authorities and to add his or her information in the contact form. 

If the student should be confirmed infected with Covid-19, health authorities will initiate tracking of infection and people who have been in close proximity of someone infected will be contacted and home quarantined. 

Contact information

Contact HR:
Anders Aas:

Head of crisis department: 
Pål Værås: